Now, my mind has wandered back to the time I was in college.2001. Yes, 10 years back. A long, long time ago that was. After spending the entire day in college, blabbering till my jaws hurt. I used to walk back in lazy, small steps to the one place always welcoming - Home. The bus stop was about 15 minutes away & on most days I preferred to walk, over taking a rickshaw. Pretty straight road, just a couple of lefts & rights. The last right was on a road very much like Willow Drive & on the very end of this road was my house. About when I was two-thirds done walking down that road, I could catch a glimpse of Maa sitting on the swing in the balcony, staring at the road. When her eyes met mine, I had always noticed them light up, then a smile illuminate her face & finally she would get up and take those 10 steps forward to come stand by the railing. I wasn't much of a body language expert then. I would like to blame it on being 'young'. But now I'm older & I like to believe 'wiser'. :) I think those gestures meant longing, showed how much I was missed the entire day, what a big deal it was that I had been away for 10 hours. And now she wanted to be as close to me as possible & not waste a single moment.
On most of these days, I either had a private tuition to give & hence a student waiting in the study room; Or a very important call to make to yet again those college friends I had spent the entire day with; Or to call some boyfriend very conveniently disguised under a girl's name like 'Amita' for 'Amit' or 'Smita' for 'Smitesh', Or on some unavoidable days do assignments & study. Two minutes or may be three is what I had for mom. For the person, who had just spent from sunrise to sunset, waiting for me to come back & talk to her a little, that is all I had. Compassion, I had even then; Understanding, may be not so much.
Today, I am 8000 miles away from home & there is very little I can do to make up for this. The reason I am blogging about this is because I'm hoping at least one person reading this & fortunate enough to still be able to make a difference, will do it, and do it now! Today, when you get back home from school/college/office or wherever, even if there are a thousand chores lined up, hold on. They can wait. Just walk into that kitchen where she is busy brewing tea or making coffee for her exhausted child; grab her, and show her you realize how much someone has missed you all day.
Thats really touching.....and i knw hw true this is...
Very well written ,It is really touching , I liked it and proud to have a daughter like you. Keep writing...
Nicely written..
Mast likha hai..
Kaafi ghanisht rishta hota hai maa-bachon ka.
Good that you are able to express it in words which even I can understand ;)
I loved the first para the most. Jungle/Zoo/or maybe a mix, waah waah!!
@Tania: Thanks, I know it's kinda ur story too! :)
@Papa: I love you, and I am not just proud but also truly blessed to be ur daughter. U r the best dad in the world. :)
@Samrat da: Thank u always for all the encouraging words & believing in me all these years!
@Nishant: lol at this comment -- "Good that you are able to express it in words which even I can understand ;)" :D, so u r not really much of a Shallow Hal it seems! ;)
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